Saturday, April 28, 2012


The objectives of the association are sough to be achieved by such means as follow;

1. Facilitating the spread of information about significant developments in research, education and practice in the filed of industrial

2. Organizing conferences seminars and workshops

3. Promoting National and sectoral planned research along or with other bodies

5. To do such other things which are incidental to the aims and objectives of the association

The supreme governing organ of TIRA is the Executive council which is composed with the Chairman, deputy chairman, secretary/ treasurer, the Assistant secretary, the publicity secretary and six other members. The Executive council is elected during the biennial congress of the Association. The Executive Council is responsible of all the affairs of TIRA, including scientific conferences, seminars, workshops and general meetings.

The Association shall hold two major meetings:
The Executive Council meeting which is to be held once every three months. Four members of the Council shall form quorum provided the Chairman/ his deputy/secretary/ deputy are present
The congress meeting to be held biannually. The quorum shall not be less than half of all members of the congress.

The extraordinary meeting may be conducted at anytime if needs be but shall not be convened in less than a month after ordinary meeting.


The Association is open to all and membership fall under the following categories:

1. Individual who are actively engaged in research (including students) teachers or practitioners of Indusrtial Relation in Tanzania, there are (Ordinary Membership)

2. Persons or Organization which are actively engaged in research teaching employment of work or practice of Industrial Relations in Tanzania may be admitted as Affiliate( Affiliate Membership)

3. Person involve Industrial Relations activity outside Tanzania and corporate agencies involve in promoting TIRA interest ( Associate Membership)

4. Person at the discretion of the Executive council as recognition of the individual's contribution and service in the field of Industrial Relation (Hounorary Membership)

5. Founder members and ordinary members who have opted to become life members by paying in lump sum of money equivalent to 10 years subscription (Life Membership)

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